Saturday, November 12, 2005

"xenophobic orthodox rabbis who hold Christianity in contempt embracing dispensationalists who look forward to the...end of the Jews"

It's not a new theme, but Jeff Halper's article on Israel's role "as an Extension of U.S. empire" is worth a read.

Halper clearly and concisely describes the symbiotic drunken hook-up that is Zionist/neo-con relations. He cites the spawn of this melee, a manifesto called the Jerusalem Declaration, to the effect that the failure to create an Israel that encompasses all of historic Palestine "may well spell doom for civilization itself"; creating a "PLO state" in the West Bank and Gaza would constitute "a historical injustice of colossal proportion."

Give it a read, then send Pat Robertson a congrajulatory note for recieving Israel's Freedom Award in 2004.


At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a great blog kevin! keep it up. if i can help you at all to get connected to good people in the ME, don't hesitate to ask.


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